A Purpose Partner exist to encourage, empower, and inspire women to live intentionally. Whether through the podcast or the t-shirts, notebooks, and other products we do our best to make sure that you are surrounded by words that help you be the best version of you.

I am very familiar with what it feels like to go in circles. Life can feel like busy work and for me it was busy work. Constantly going, doing, and supporting others while the things that were inside of me laid dormant.

After much prayer, intentionality, and time I decided to take responsibility for my choices and move forward on purpose with purpose. A Purpose Partner exist as a safe space for all women to do that.

You deserve to live a life where you are free to be you, unapologetically. Free to pursue passions, Free to have a hobby. Free to grow, learn, and explore.

You are worth it and I am glad to be your Purpose Partner encouraging and celebrating you every step of the way.

“Find your purpose daily and live life to the fullest and never give up.”

-M.D. Eger, No Excuse for Failure